Greetings Parishioners!
There is a story I heard about a rich man who was determined to take his wealth with him. He told his wife to get all his money together, put it in a sack, and then hang the sack from the rafters in the attic. He said, "When my spirit is caught up to heaven, I’ll grab the sack on my way." Well he eventually died, and the woman raced up to the attic, only to find the money still there. She said, "I knew I should’ve put the sack in the basement."
The desire to acquire money makes people crazy. People equate being rich with being happy. And what happens they get overtaken by the 'Gimme More, Gimme More' monster. He makes us believe that we are just one car away, one deal away, one house away from being really happy. But there is always one more. So, people never feel content because they want more.
But Jesus tells us to store up our treasures in Heaven. The happiest person I've ever met is my Italian grandmother. She was the greatest example of Christian joy. And I learned early on that her joy came from her giving. She was known her whole life for her 'smile'. When we give to others, God gives to us. He fills us with a happiness that the world cannot take away.
I want to thank all of you who supported this parish. To all of you who gave without counting the cost. To all of you who gave without demanding anything in return, except the love of God. It was a very difficult year and quite honestly, I didn't think we would survive. But many of you really rose to the occasion to support your parish. Thank you. May God fill your souls with supernatural joy. May your smile be known by many.
Father Anthony